Facets - Micro journal

Choose one activity: identify your values, show gratitude, or reflect on how you can react better next time.

Chat with an AI psychologist

Acceptance and Commitment therapy is a form of psychotherapy that helps individuals develop psychological flexibility by learning to accept difficult thoughts and feelings while committing to actions aligned with their values. ACT encourages mindfulness techniques, acceptance of internal experiences, and taking action based on deeply held values. The goal of ACT is to help individuals lead richer, more meaningful lives while effectively handling the inevitable challenges that arise.


Create awareness by journaling small entries regarding the user’s values, showing daily gratitude, and a look back into their emotions due to reactive behavior. Brainstorming these topics alone is challenging, and journaling can seem overwhelming. By having an AI psychologist guide the user through questions that spark creativity and reframe the user’s perception of life or events, users can become present and aware of their behaviors or beliefs. This prototype helps them reach their conclusions and save the entry, creating a micro-interaction journal.

Tech stack

This app and related subapps were built Python and Streamlit.

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