Effectiveness of Government Interventions on Covid-19 Deaths

Understanding if state level government interventions are correlated with Covid-19-deaths can help to select the most effective ones in the future.

Impact of Government Interventions on Covid-19 Deaths is a study that compares multiple mandates at a state-level and evaluates if these are correlated to the deaths recorded within the 2020 time frame. Authors: Carolina Arriaga, Sunit Carpenter, Heather Rancic.


The year 2020 is known as the worst year in memorable history. When the first wave of Covid-19 hit the U.S. in full force in March of 2020, the U.S. government did not have a plan on how to handle a pandemic. State governors were left to fend largely for themselves with little Federal government guidance or relief. They individually made decisions to provide protection and guidance to their constituents in order to keep them safe amidst the covid-19 pandemic whilst trying to keep businesses afloat and manage the economy to the best of their abilities. Individual states have opened and closed businesses, required masks, and taken other measures with varying degrees of success. Because of this, it’s difficult to ascertain what works, what doesn’t, and what the impact of those well intentioned measures are on covid-19 deaths. It is critical that we reach a deeper understanding of these differences in order to respond with appropriate public policies. Our team will clean and analyse data to see what patterns we can find that can help inform U.S. state governors as they seek guidance on what policies are effective and to help them to make the best decisions possible for their constituents. We recognize that the data will not be as perfect as we would like. We plan to clean the data in order to enable a conformed dataset to ensure our research is performed with scientific rigor and integrity to the best of our ability. The plan is to take into account differences between states but also see what correlations we can find overall across the U.S by leveraging data across 4/12/2020 through 3/25/2021.

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